A few months ago the Sabaku Samurai ended up with a rusty P.O.S. tanto that he bought off of Ebay after having ingested copious quantities of fine Kentucky sippin whiskey. The prospect of restoration for this "national treasure" looked pretty dim. We all know the cost of a good polish and the risks involved. If the rust is too deep or the chips too big or there is a flaw just below the

surface you could easily spend more money on the polish than the blade is worth. No one in their right mind would risk a polish on a blade that looked like this. But, of course we are talking about the Sabaku Samurai here who is strangely proud that he does not have a mind at all. After a few cups of liquid inspiration he came up with a cunning plan. He got his favorite polisher (Inu Iki sensei) a bit hammered on liberal servings of bourbon and bet him double or nothing his charge for polish that he could not successfully polish this tanto. For the full story and more "before" pictures of the tanto click
"here". Well,
the results are in and Mr Iki has come through. The blade and polish are

flawless! Sabaku Samurai had to fork over. In a little conciliatory ceremony the Sabaku Samurai bowed to Iki Sensei and handed him the cash and in a gracious oriental manner reflecting all that embodies Zen, Iki snatched the money out of his hand and said, "yoo ruze again sucka!". Inu Iki then proceeded to do the happy dance waving the bills around like he just scored a touchdown. He is still our favorite polisher though. Gottta Go! Turn the lights out when you leave.
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